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Heading - h1

He is here... Obi-Wan Kenobi! What makes you think so? A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. Surely he must be dead by now. Don't underestimate the power of the Force. The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion. Yes. Governor Tarkin, we have an emergency alert in detention block A A-twenty-three. The princess! Put all sections on alert!

Heading - h2

Where could they be? Close the blast doors! Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors! I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner, now I am the master. Only a master of evil, Darth. Your powers are weak, old man. You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Heading - h3

Did you find any droids? No, sir. If there were any on board, they must also have jettisoned. Send a scanning crew on board. I want every part of this ship checked. Yes, sir. I sense something...a presence I haven't felt since... Get me a scanning crew in here on the double.

Heading - h4

The ship's all yours. If the scanners pick up anything, report it immediately. All right, let's go. Hey down there, could you give us a hand with this? TX-four-one-two. Why aren't you at your post? TX-four-one-two, do you copy?

Heading - h5

Take over. We've got a bad transmitter. I'll see what I can do. You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here. Bring them on!

Heading - h6

I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around. We found the computer outlet, sir. Plug in. He should be able to interpret the entire Imperial computer network.

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Star Wars Table Caption
Name Side Role
Darth Vader Dark Sith
Obi Wan Kenobi Light Jedi
Greedo South Scumbag
Name Side Role


Legend - Description of Checkbox Options
Custom Checkbox


Question Title 1
Are they away? They have just made the jump into hyperspace. You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work.
Question Title 2
Are they away? They have just made the jump into hyperspace. You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work.


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